About how it was built

This digital garden is built using the static site generator Jekyll, transforming text written in Markdown to a static website. This template incorporates Obsidian in the workflow:

  1. Develop and organize content in Obsidian.
  2. Host on Github.
  3. Deploy on Netlify.

Megumi Tanaka’s template, which is based on Maxime Vaillancourt’s template, was modified by me in 2022. To install the Jekyll template, I followed these steps, with a few modifications:

  1. Create new repository from the Github Template
  2. Customize _config.yml
  3. Sign up for DeployHQ
  4. Connect Github repository to DeployHQ Netlify
  5. Add server’s FTP or SSH information
  6. Configure Jekyll Build Commands on DeployHQ Netlify and turn vendor caching on
  7. Deploy and setup up automatic deployment.

Then, to develop and organize all entries in Obsidian, I followed these steps, with the addition of a staging area in the _notes directory.